Sunday, April 3, 2011

When God Writes Your Love Story....

My daughter took me to a conference in Colorado in January this year.  She didn't have to drag me or anything....I mean it was the winter...snow!  And it was just going to be she and I going!  To a girls conference.  No boys allowed.  Girl things - like chocolate, laughter, shopping, etc.

It was the Set-Apart Girl conference by Eric & Leslie Ludy, set in the beautiful town of Windsor, on the campus of Ellerslie.  Snow-capped mountains, a frozen pond, quiet gentle breezes, little bunnies that scampered across the landscape....yes it was picturesque.

But more than the outward beauty that surrounded the campus was the inward beauty that emmanated from the staff and the attendees.  We had the pleasure of meeting young girls and young ladies from all over the country who had been impacted by the writings and teachings of the Ludys.  We heard story after story of how God was using these young ladies to change the world.  Some were changing careers, some going on the mission field, one was working on a Ph.D. and doing her dissertation on courtship!  Fascinating how God gathered about 100 women and young ladies together and focused them in His Word to show them His truths.

To say it was a great time would be an understatement.

Here is a link to the next Set-Apart Girl Conference:
Set-Apart Girl May Conference

But I digress....

This post is about the Ludy's book, When God Writes your Love Story.  This book is not what you think it is about - I promise.  If you think you are going to read a book about courtship or how not to date, you are mistaken.

Eric and Leslie write like they are having coffee with you at the corner coffee shop.  This book is their testimony about their own story.  It is about what God did with them and through them as they entered dating life.  It is a book full of hope and promise - not a book full of "thou shalt nots".

And it has become one of the top-selling relationship books of all time!

After having sat in a conference with them for 2.5 days and having dined with them, I can tell you these people are the REAL deal.  No wonder my daugher was drawn to Leslie's writings a few years ago.

I wish I could insert a chapter here for you to preview but it isn't available in that format (I checked - sorry.) is a link to the new Set-Apart Girl Magazine Online:
Magazine . more thing...the book - it is for both BOYS and GIRLS.....